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The Road Ahead Isn't Always Clear

Music has a special power. It can make you feel so many emotions. The lyrics, the melody or just the chords can draw you in and make everything in the world disappear while you immerse yourself in a song.

I come from a town of 300 people. Mostly farmers. My Dad farmed and my Mom owned the local small town bar. My parents wanted me to attend college but I had aspirations of being a musician. After spending the summer working at the local Co-op store I decided to take an electronics technician course in Saskatoon and work on music at the same time.

After performing at several talent contests, and usually ending up 2nd lol I met Al Leblanc who later became my manager. At the time Al was volunteering to help a friend of his who had a recording studio. His friend Rory was a musician who had been in a car accident leaving him a quadriplegic. Since Rory could run a computer just by moving his head his family decided to build him a recording studio where musicians could walk in plug in and record their songs with him. That amazed me. So when Al asked me to come and record with him at AMHM (A Musician Helping Musicians) studios I jumped at the opportunity. Over the next few months we wrote and demoed several songs. Some of which are on my debut album “The Road Ahead”.

When it came time to record my debut “The Road Ahead” I found a producer named Steve Fox from Nashville who was interested in working with me. The only problem was the budget was about $20,000 dollars. Of course having just graduated from high school I didn't have that kind of money.

I approached several financial institutions and was told by multiple banks that giving a loan to a musician was too risky for them so I was denied several times. Then I heard of an organization called Community Futures. They provide loan options for small & mirco businesses and entrepreneurs. I booked a meeting with Community Futures and presented them with a five-year business plan. The meeting went well and I was invited back for a second meeting and was told me to bring my guitar so I could play them a song that I was planning on recording. I performed a song I had written called “The Road Ahead” which became the title track of my debut CD. One week later Community Futures called me at my parents farm and told me they approved my loan application and I was off to Nashville.

I now want to take you back to that moment in the Community Futures boardroom.

Click the play button below to hear “The Road Ahead”

[sc_embed_player fileurl=""]1. Codie Prevost - The Road Ahead

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